Sunday, July 20, 2008

Receiving July 26, 2008, worship scriptures

Scriptures for July 26
Genesis 29:15-28
Psalm 128
Romans 8:26-39
Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52

PART I - Receiving the Word as spirit and life for yourself provides suggestions for how to receive the Word as spirit and life. Part II of this post provides notes that are a result of following those suggestions. My hope is that you will receive the Word as spirit and life for yourself, and then compare notes with others who are doing the same.

PART II - Reflections on this week's scriptures

Prayer for receptivity
Please increase in me the receptivity that is grounded in confession and surrender. Enable me to receive Your light and love and be united with You in the way this day calls for. And in the way these scriptures call for.

Genesis 29:15-28
"Why then have you deceived me?" (Jacob to Laban, vs. 25)
Consider Jacob's experience with deception. What would Jacob say prevents a person from being deceived, or a deceiver?

"And Laban said, 'It must not be done so in our country...'" (vs. 26)
Consider the power of custom.
Also, consider how honor was both supreme and compromised in this Genesis account.
Then consider the essentials (about deception and the forgiveness it calls for) that were true for that culture and for every culture that has followed it.
Each culture is powerful, and the spirit and life in the Word is more powerful.

Psalm 128
"Blessed is everyone who fears the LORD,
Who walks in His ways." (vs. 1)
Do and be what feeds the fear of the LORD. That's where the blessing is.
Ponder how fear of the LORD as a focus is different from "don't deceive" or "do forgive" as focus.
Ponder how fear of the LORD threads through and transcends all cultures.
Consider how fear of the LORD is informed and shaped by culture. Shaped but not limited by culture. Consider how fear of the LORD is much bigger than any culture or all cultures.
The fear of the LORD is common to all cultures--cultures that are not at all common to each other.

Romans 8:26-39
"...the Spirit... makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God." (vs. 27)
"It is Christ who... also makes intercession for us." (vs. 34)
Let it "sink in" and comfort that the Holy Spirit and Christ intercede. They shape our prayer, conforming it to the will of God--to Supreme Righteousness and Love.

"For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (vss. 38, 39)
Ponder what keeps your heart in touch with this Surpassing Love, especially in the most difficult times.

Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52

Mustard Seed
The kingdom of heaven is like a seed sown and growing.

The kingdom of heaven is like leaven (increase and expansion).

Hidden Treasure
The kingdom of heaven is a supreme and singular value.

Pearl of Great Price
The kingdom of heaven is a supreme singular value.

Consider the growth of the kingdom of heaven (and everything in it!)--in the life of nations, families, and individuals. Growing is life unfolding (life that encompasses death and resurrection). In a kingdom that is growing, everything--faith, hope, love and worship included--is becoming.

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