Friday, March 14, 2008


There's a lot said about giving. Not so much about receiving. Perhaps receiving has been misunderstood as something selfish. Both giving and receiving can be tainted by selfishness. Each can also be unselfish.

When it comes to Scripture, it would be hard to over-state the necessity and value of receiving. In a way it's a no brainer. Everyone knows scripture must be received. Yet do we receive the way we need to? Receptivity may be the most assumed and under-developed of all the spiritual disciplines.

At this blog, you are invited to receive the weekly worship scriptures--directly and simply. You are invited to grow into what receiving can become. Your receptivity is primary. The March 9, 2008, post, "Receiving the Word as spirit and life--a spiritual exercise," offers suggestions for how to receive the worship scriptures.

After you receive the scriptures, you can use the notes provided here for sharing and comparing.

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